



游泳 & 跳水:校友、跳水俱乐部成员参加奥运会团体赛

In 1924, 在印第安纳波利斯的卢卡斯石油体育场前, 印第安纳州是奥运会选拔赛的东道主, 该州在Broad Ripple公园举办了这次活动,约翰尼·韦斯穆勒(Johnny Weissmuller)参加了这次活动, who later went on to play Tarzan in 12 movies from 1932 to 1948 and later starred in 16 “小君gle Jim” movies and 26 half-hour episodes of a TV series.  韦斯穆勒退役后保持不败,拥有5枚奥运会金牌和67项世界纪录. 虽然没有著名演员参加2024年的选拔赛, there will be multiple athletes with ties to vwin德赢娱乐 and vwin德赢娱乐 Aquatic Club. 

阅读更多 关于游泳 & 跳水:校友、跳水俱乐部成员参加奥运会团体赛
Track & 田径队:vwin德赢娱乐田径队和校友在宾州接力赛上获得分数

Thousands of individuals from all across the world enjoyed picture-perfect conditions to compete at Penn Relays from Thursday to Saturday. Despite the massive number of competitors, vwin德赢娱乐 was well represented. 爱国者队不仅参加了高中赛区的比赛, but GA also had an entry in the middle school Girls 4x100 Relay and had a handful of alumni participating.

阅读更多 关于跟踪 & 田径队:vwin德赢娱乐田径队和校友在宾州接力赛上获得分数